Zona Indy 2014 (17) Resultados, Notícias e Cards | Extreme Rising fecha portas & Vader em incidente na Alemanha & Card de show da ROH e NJPW
É o regresso do Zona Indy com o melhor do wrestling independente. O
espaço de hoje apresenta os resultados do fim-de-semana que tiveram um show da CZW e um confronto entre os Hardys e Briscoes na OMEGA bem como um show com estrelas de renome na wXw. Completa o espaço as
notícias com destaque para a Extreme Rising e cards da Ring of Honor e Evolve …..
Westside Xtreme Wrestling "Superstars of Wrestling"
26 de Abril de 2014 - Turbinenhalle, Oberhausen
(1) Miguel Ramirez venceu Michael Dante via Shooting Star Neckbreaker
(2) Keel Holding (Sasa Keel, Aaron Insane e Kim Ray) venceram AUTsiders (Big Daddy Walter e Robert Dreissker) e Chris Masters
(3) wXw World Tag Team Championship: Hot e Spicy (c) venceram Reign of Terror (Johnny Moss e Jon Ryan) via DQ
(4) John Morrison venceu Bad Bones via Starship Pain
(5) wXw Shotgun Championship: Axel "Axeman" Tischer (c) venceu Toby Blunt via Ligerbomb
(6) Steve Corino e HATE com Terry Funk venceram Piledrivers (Karsten Beck e Sha Samuels)
(7) wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship: Tommy End (c) venceu Davey Boy Smith Jr. via Inside Cradle.
Resistance Pro "An Epic Battle For Freedom - Don't Tread"
25 de Abril de 2014 - Willowbrook, IL
(1) Fast-paced and Frenetic Three Way - Da Cobra venceu Shawn Blaze e John Skyler
(2) Ladies Tag Team Action - Angeldust e Samantha Heights derrotaram Lucy Mendez e Amanda Rodriguez
(3) Revenge Match - One Year in the Making - Mr. 450 venceu Robert Anthony
(4) Tag Team Turmoil - Body Magic (Ashton Vuitton e Brady Pierce) derrotaram Two Star Heroes
(5) Fight for Freedom - Sugar Dunkerton venceu Remi Wilkins e Chris Hall
(6) The Saga Continues - Jake O’Neill vs. Scott Young => No Contest
(7) Resistance Pro Tag Team Championship - Da Soul Touchaz (c) derrotaram The Painkillers
(8) Resistance Pro Women's Championship First Blood Match - Mickie Knuckles venceu D'Arcy Dixon (c)
(9) Resistance Pro Heavyweight Championship 2-out-of-3 Falls Rematch - Josephus Brody (c) venceu Marshe Rockett
AIW "Nuthin' But A "G" Thang"
25 de Abril de 2014 - Cleveland, OH
(1) Tim Donst venceu Alex Shelley via Submission
(2) Tyson Dux venceu Shane Hollister
(3) Pick Your Poison - Sparx (Gregory Iron's Pick) venceu Veda Scott
(4) Six Man Scramble - Matt Cross venceu Bobby Beverly, Brent Banks, Cheech, Davey Vega e Lucas Towns
(5) Pick Your Poison - Gregory Iron venceu Josh Prohibition (Veda Scott's Pick)
(6) AIW Women's Championship - Athena (c) venceu Nikki Storm
(7) AIW Tag Team Championship - The Jollyville Fuck-Its (T-Money e Russ Meyers) (c) derrotaram Faith in Ryan (Eric Ryan e Ricky Shane Page) e Flip Kendrick e The Duke
(8) AIW Absolute Championship - Michael Elgin (c) venceu Colin Delany
AWS "April's Everyones Fools"
26 de Abril de 2014 - South Gate, CA
(1) Willie Mack venceu Leo Blaze
(2) AWS Light Heavyweight Championship - Ridiculoso venceu Chris Kadillak (c)
(3) AWS Women’s Championship - Hudson Envy (c) venceu Cole Pistol
(4) Younger's Last SoCal Match - Drake Younger venceu Sonjay Dutt
(5) Jeckles the Jester venceu SoCal Crazy
(6) AWS Tag Team Championship - Los Banditos (Rico Dynamite e Tito Escondido) (c) derrotaram Famous B e Mikey O’Shea
(7) Mariachi Loco venceu Lil’ Cholo
(8) AWS Heavyweight Championship - B-Boy (c) venceu Tyler Bateman
OMEGA Championship Wrestling "CHAOS IN CAMERON"
26 de Abril de 2014 - Cameron, NC
(1) OMEGA Championship Tournament - Cedric Alexander venceu Xsiris
(2) Andrew Everett venceu Jake Manning via shooting star press
(3) Trevor Lee venceu Adam Page via double knees to the face
(4) OMEGA Championship Tournament - Caprice Coleman venceu Ric Converse via Submission
(5) The OMEGA Goddess Division Guest Ref.: Mia Svensson - Reby Sky venceu D’arcy Dixon via Twist of Fate
(6) Six Man Tag Team Elimination Match - Caleb Konley, CW Anderson e Mickey Gambino derrotaram The Bravado Brothers e Hurricane Helms
(7) The Hardy Boyz (Matt e Jeff Hardy) derrotaram The Briscoes (Jay e Mark Briscoe)
CZW "To Infinity"
27 de Abril de 2014 - Providence, RI
(1) Beyond Wrestling Showcase - Da Hoodz derrotaram Tabarnak De Team
(2) CZW Wired TV Championship - Shane Strickland (c) venceu Joe Gacy
(3) Team TREMENDOUS derrotaram The Front (Sozio e Stockade)
(4) WSU Showcase - Kimber Lee venceu Alexxis
(5) MASADA venceu Chris Dickinson
(6) Barbed Wire Boards - Matt Tremont venceu Danny Havoc
(7) Kevin Steen venceu DJ Hyde
(8) CZW World Tag Team Championship - Juicy Product (JT Dunn e David Starr) derrotaram The Beaver Boys (c)
(9) CZW World Heavyweight Championship - Drew Gulak (c) venceu Biff Busick
---------------------------------------------------------Noticias + Cards ---------------------------------------------------------
A Evolve divulgou o combate que aconteceu no fim-de-semana da Wrestlemania entre os Bad Influence, Christopher Daniels e Frankie Kazarian e os Bravado Brothers. Eis os vídeo:
A lenda da WWE Vader teve um incidente este fim-de-semana na promotora alemã wXw onde este se recusou a trabalhar. Eis o comunicado da promotora:
“Vader, Funk, Masters and Corino - they all arrived yesterday in England. Harry Smith arrived last night directly in Germany, the wXw office already met with John Morrison yesterday evening for dinner. After Shane Douglas' cancellation, all further guest stars seemed to be a lock, but ten minutes ago, we received a message that we never would have anticipated.
Our trainers and mentors implied to us again and again how important professionalism and respect are in this business, but today we learned how these golden rules can be put into question in an instant, even by a veteran of multiple decades.
This morning, when Terry Funk, Chris Masters and Steve Corino were about to gt into their booked cab to the airport, Big Van Vader refused to leave his hotel room. Various attempts by our English partner promoter [author's note: probably Steven Fludder of Preston City Wrestling, where all talent appeared last night], Masters and the end Terry Funk himself to convince Vader otherwise proved fruitless. After Vader already refused to wrestle his agreed-upon match last night, today he decided that, despite already having received an advance payment, the fact that there is a sold out meet e greet session for him and the fact that we promoted the event around him, he would not fulfill his contractual obligations.
We are deeply ashamed at having to make this announcement, but Big Van Vader will not be in Oberhausen today. After already agreeing to a huge list of concessions and special conditions for Mr. White, to be able to present you one of the biggest stars in wrestling history, this is a slap in the face for us. We can only imagine how big your disappointment must be, but as far as Vader is concerned, we are facing you empty-handed today.
Even though we already paid Vader, we of course offer to return the money to everybody who purchased tickets for his photo session.
For us, it's going off to the arena and finish the preparations now... clean the egg off our faces and keep going... let's take a symbolic stand in Oberhausen today - we are not dependent on an unprofessional moneygrubbing guy, if we want to celebrate our sport!
A Evolve anunciou nos shows de Maio em Nova Iorque terão o tema Back to the Basics e onde depois de o Evolve 28 ter sido marcado por várias interferências, os eventos não terão qualquer possibilidade de interferência e ataques a árbitros.
Os árbitros Brandon Tolle e Bryce Remsburg terão o poder de aplicar e administrar as suspensões e multas a quem quebre as regras.
Larry Dallas está fora da Evolve. Num angle para este sair da promotora foi mencionado que Dallas foi o responsável pela perda de controlo na WWNLive Experience.
Os cards actualizados do Evolve 29 no dia 9 de Maio e do Evolve 30 no dia 10 são os seguintes:
EVOLVE 29 - Queens, NY – 9 de Maio
(1) Tag Team Main Event: AR Fox e Uhaa Nation vs. Anthony Nese e Trent Baretta
(2) Gentlmen's Club Implodes: Chuck Taylor vs. Drew Gulak
(3) Johnny Gargano vs. Biff Busick
(4) Rich Swann vs. Caleb Konley
(5) Non-Title: Lancelot e Harlem Bravado vs. #AllEgo e #WalkingWeapon
(6) Fire Ant e Green Ant vs. Jigsaw e Tim Donst
(7) NEW MATCH: Blake Edward Belakus vs. JT Dunn with Shelly Martinez
EVOLVE 30 - Brooklyn, NY – 10 de Maio
(1) I Quit Match: Johnny Gargano vs. Rich Swann
(2) Open The United Gate Title Match: Lancelot e Harlem Bravado defend vs. Fire Ant e Green Ant
(3) Uhaa Nation vs. Trent Baretta
(4) AR Fox vs. Caleb Konley
(5) Four Way Freestyle: Anthony Nese vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Jigsaw vs. #AllEgo
(6) Tim Donst vs. #WalkingWeapon
(7) NEW MATCH: Blake Edward Belakus vs. Ryan Rush
A Ring of Honor actualziou o card para o iPPV Global Ward sque aontecerá me conjunto com a New Japan pro Wrestling no dia 10 de Maio em Tortonto.
(1) Hiroshi Tanahashi e Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Shinsuke Nakamura e Jado
(2) The Bullet Club ("The Phenomenal" AJ Styles e "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson) vs IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada e Gedo
(3) Takaaki Watanabe vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin (IWGP Heavyweight Title Contender)
(4) IWGP JUNIOR HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - 3-WAY TAG TEAM MATCH: Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov e Rocky Romero) vs. Time Splitters (KUSHIDA e Alex Shelley) vs. Young Bucks (Nick e Matt Jackson) (c)
(5) ROH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Adam Cole defends against "Mr Wrestling" Kevin Steen
(6) ROH TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - 4 CORNER SURVIVAL: Jay Lethal (c) w/ Truth Martini vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Matt Taven vs. "Last Real Man" Silas Young
Ainda com Mark e Jay Briscoe, Michael Bennett c/ Maria Kanellis, reDRagon (Kyle O'Reilly e Bobby Fish), The Decade (Roderick Strong, BJ Whitmer e Jimmy Jacobs) c/ Tadarius Thomas, ACH e Cedric Alexander
Teve somente um par de shows e tudo indica que já fechou portas. A Extreme Rising através de comunicado anunciou que todos os seus shows futuros foram cancelados. Este anúncio foi feito no Domingo passado e sendo que todos os contactos sociais da promotora foram removidos.
Este anúncio surge depois de na semana passada uma discussão entre Luke Hawx e o promotor quanto a questões monetários ter sido pública e sendo que o lutador ameaçou que ficaria com o titulo da promotora (ele é o campeão) se não lhe pagassem o que lhe deviam. A Extreme Rising tinha shows agendados para o fim-de-semana passado e estes também não aconteceram.
Entretanto o Pro Wrestling Syndicate anunciou que Luke Hawx irá defender o título contra Devon Moore no próximo evento da promotora.
A Border City Wrestling anunciou que as estrelas da New Japan Pro Wrestling irão estar presentes no seu show de 9 de Maio em East Meets. Os combates já anunciados são:
(1) IWGP Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura x BCW Heavyweight Champion Tyson Dux
(2) IWGP Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada x Chris Sabin
Estão ainda anunciados:
Hiroshi Tanahashi, "Machine Gun" Karl Anderson e os "the Time Splitters" Kushida e Alex Shelley, Phil Atlas, Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams, Joe Doering, Bolen e Brent B
A Pro Wrestling Guerrilla anunciou que o evento para o dia 23 de Maio, o Sold Our Soul for Rock n' Roll terá o seguinte card:
(1) World Championship Title Knockout or Submission Only Match: Adam Cole (C) vs. Kyle O'Reilly
(2) Six-Person Tag Team Match: Kevin Steen e The Young Bucks (Matt e Nick Jackson) vs. Cedric Alexander, Andrew Everett, e Trevor Lee
(3) ACH vs. Ricochet
(4) Best Friends (Chuck Taylor e Trent?) vs. World's Cutest Tag Team (Candice LeRae e Joey Ryan)
(5) Johnny Gargano vs. Rocky Romero
(6) Brian Cage vs. Roderick Strong
(7) AR Fox vs. Rich Swann