
GCW JCW Jersey J-Cup 2024 Dia 1

No dia 9 de fevereiro, a primeira noite do Jersey J-Cup 2024 serĂ¡ transmitida ao vivo direto do White Eagle Hall.

O evento conta com o Torneio Jersey J-Cup e os primeiros competidores jĂ¡ foram anunciados: Jordan Oliver, Nick Wayne, Masha, Price, Dereiss, Gresham, Bailey, Starkz, Yamashita, Cartwheel, Myron, Kerry Morton, Cole Radrick, Marcus Mathers, Matt Makowski, Charles Maso, O Grande Sasuke e pudemos contar com:


Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Nick Wayne vs. Marcus Mathers

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Tony Deppen vs. Matt Makowski

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Man Like DeReiss vs. Masha Slamovich

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Joey Janela vs. Kerry Morton

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Jonathan Gresham vs. Alec Price

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Six Way Match
Myron Reed vs. Cole Radrick vs. Billie Starkz vs. Jack Cartwheel vs. Charles Mason vs. Mr. Danger

GCW Tag Team Title Match
Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) (c) vs. Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura)

JCW Title Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
Jordan Oliver (c) vs. Griffin McCoy

Jersey J-Cup 2024 First Round Match
The Great Sasuke vs. Mike Bailey



  1. Nick Wayne derrotou Marcus Mathers (16:15)
  2. Matt Makowski derrotou Tony Deppen (13:28)
  3. Masha Slamovich derrotou Man Like DeReiss (14:07)
  4. Joey Janela derrotou Kerry Morton (17:17)
  5. Alec Price derrotou Jonathan Gresham (9:40)
  6. Myron Reed derrotou Billie Starkz e Charles Mason e Cole Radrick e Jack Cartwheel e Mr. Danger (8:47)
  7. Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku) (c) derrotou Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) (13:41)
  8. Jordan Oliver (c) derrotou Griffin McCoy (21:03)
  9. The Great Sasuke derrotou Mike Bailey (27:43)

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